Quick Point on the files included. Page.exe The main executable. Page.cfg Sample Page.cfg file edit to your bbs. Times.Dat My current Times i turn my page on and off. Page.doc Some useful info on setup and the program in general. readme.txt This file you are reading now. Quick info on fixes before I uploaded this. I fixed the switching of days. The problem before was if you set the page to be turned of at 11:00 pm Monday and didn't get a call till after 12:00 am Tuesday it wouldn't turn it off unless you had tuesday in your TIMES.DAT file. The draw back to that is now that if you Switch the two and tell it to Turn on At 8:00 am Tuesday then after it you told it to turn off at 11:30 PM on Monday since the monday turn off follows tuesday it will shut it off. So I recommend to keep the days of the week in a neat order as possible. The actual structure of the days of the week in the program is as follows. 'SUNDAY','MONDAY','TUESDAY','WEDNESDAY','THURSDAY','FRIDAY','SATURDAY' You may want to keep your Times.Dat in that order. Fixed a couple big errors, see page.pas for exact changes.